A MAZE. / Berlin 2021

10th International Games and Playful Media Festival



by Ivan Notaroš, Ferran Bertomeu Castells, YenTing Lo (Serbia, Spain, Taiwan)

Genre: Experience

Do you miss airports? Do you miss that wonderful feeling of negotiating through duty free shop mazes, running through suffocating perfume clouds, while trying to desperately find your gate?? Great! Well, in Interminal, there are no gates to worry about! You are here forever and you can navigate, smell perfumes and SHOP as long as you want! Truly an architect's masterpiece and CEOs dream! ..or you can just watch the planes go by..

Interminal is the ultimate endless first person airport experience, where you can also smell perfumes with procedurally generated smells, and watch airplanes fly away.

Platform: PC, Mac